Bravo Breakdown with The Bravo Investigator + PARVATI SHALLOW!

FRIDAY! Parvati Shallow (@pshallow) from Deal or No Deal Island Season 2 (and Survivor and The Traitors) on NBC joins us to talk about this season. Directly after that we have Dana Regan aka The Bravo Investigator (@thebravoinvestigator), content creators and podcaster, joining to do a little Bravo Breakdown but more specifically to talk about THE MEN OF BRAVO and so many other things. FANTASTIC EPISODE! Southern Charm and Summer House recaps will be out SATURDAY! Plus, I did an hour and a half patreon on Sunday covering Paradise, Gypsy Rose, The Baldwins, Severance and White Lotus! Check it out at Also, go subscribe to our youtube as we made a full hour long red carpet rundown with amazing visuals that you will not hear in this episode! Sign up for our substack for free! This show and every show is dedicated to my beautiful mom Rebecca Ann Bailey-July 18th, 1948-August 25, 2023 Timestamtamps: :03-Show Notes 4:34-Parvati Shallow 17:55-Dana Regan aka The Bravo Investigator! -Go sign up for the patreon for over 350 episodes NOT on the main feed! Also, So Bad It's Good has merch now! Go to to order yours TODAY! If you’re enjoying the insane amount of blood, sweat and literal tears of this pod consider telling a friend or rating us 5 stars on iTunes! Special shoutout to Maritza Lopez (Insta: @maritza.gif) for all of her insanely hard work creating these beautiful pieces of art on my instagram and patreon page!! Instagram: @sobaditsgoodwithryanbailey, @ryanbailey25 Twitter:@ryanabailey25 TIKTOK @sobaditsgoodwithryanb
FRIDAY! Parvati Shallow (@pshallow) from Deal or No Deal Island Season 2 (and Survivor and The Traitors) on NBC joins us to talk about this season. Directly after that we have Dana Regan aka The Bravo Investigator (@thebravoinvestigator), content creators and podcaster, joining to do a little Bravo Breakdown but more specifically to talk about THE MEN OF BRAVO and so many other things. FANTASTIC EPISODE! Southern Charm and Summer House recaps will be out SATURDAY!
Plus, I did an hour and a half patreon on Sunday covering Paradise, Gypsy Rose, The Baldwins, Severance and White Lotus! Check it out at
Also, go subscribe to our youtube as we made a full hour long red carpet rundown with amazing visuals that you will not hear in this episode!
Sign up for our substack for free!
This show and every show is dedicated to my beautiful mom Rebecca Ann Bailey-July 18th, 1948-August 25, 2023
:03-Show Notes
4:34-Parvati Shallow
17:55-Dana Regan aka The Bravo Investigator!
-Go sign up for the patreon for over 350 episodes NOT on the main feed!
Also, So Bad It's Good has merch now! Go to to order yours TODAY!
If you’re enjoying the insane amount of blood, sweat and literal tears of this pod consider telling a friend or rating us 5 stars on iTunes! Special shoutout to Maritza Lopez (Insta: @maritza.gif) for all of her insanely hard work creating these beautiful pieces of art on my instagram and patreon page!!
Instagram: @sobaditsgoodwithryanbailey, @ryanbailey25
TIKTOK @sobaditsgoodwithryanb
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